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Patrik Jansson Band

24. April, 2024 @ 20:30 - 23:30

22€ – 25€

Patrik Jansson Band was formed in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden in late 2007. After playing drums in various blues bands and jazz combos, hard-rock and metal acts for several years, Patrik decided it was time for another challenge. He picked up the guitar and started playing and singing in hopes of developing as a songwriter and a musician. “I’ve always loved to learn new things” he says. With a passion for heavy Texas blues and with a new mission in life he started looking for musicians to play with. “I had a pretty clear idea of what I was looking for” he says, “I wanted to play blues with a more modern approach. Blues is supposed to feel fresh and alive, it’s a most vital music in my opinion. In short I wanted to play the kind of music that I would like to hear myself and that I think a lot of other people would like and appreciate”.

Patrik Jansson machte sich zuerst einen Namen als Schlagzeuger in verschiedenen Blues-, Jazz-, Hardrock- und Metal-Bands. Bis der Schwede seine Liebe zur Gitarre entdeckte und ebenso seine Talente als Singer-Song-Writer. Also gründete er 2007 seine eigene Band, mit der er seither ein fixer Bestandteil des „Schweden-Blues“ ist. Und das steht für funkig, ein bisschen schmerzvoll und gleichzeitig kräftig. Was will das Blueser-Herz mehr?

Patrik Jansson – Vocals, Guitars Lars Eriksson – Organ, Piano Martin Forsstedt – Drums Thomas Andersson – Bass


24. April, 2024
20:30 - 23:30
22€ – 25€